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Cape Charles Yacht Club
Established 2012

2023 Event Notes & Pics
Happy Holidays
Upcoming Events
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All. 2023 is "in the books" - A big "THANK YOU" to Lori McDonald and the 2023 Social Committee for a wonderful year !!!
Big Boat Cruise to Smithfield Station
2024 Big Boat Captains Chip and Lisa would like to get an idea of how many people might be interested in a Big Boat Cruise, so they can tentatively reserve space at the marina and hotel. Once they gather a tentative list of boaters and drivers who are seriously thinking of attending, they will work with Smithfield Station to determine the date and reserve space. They'll find out when the cut off will be for making reservations, then the club members can call the facility to reserve their own accommodations.
Interested members can respond directly to Lisa at - Please let them know:
Slip or Room?
If slip – provide boat specs (Power/Sail, LOA, Beam, electric needs) – so the marina can determine if there is room for the club.
Non-power slip for smaller boat “storage” (while staying in a room)
June weekend dates that are NOT doable
Please respond by December 13th so plans can be made with the Marina
2023 Social Calendar

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