Here’s an opportunity to sail in and out of Cape Charles on your own boat and to benefit the Cape Charles Yacht Club, too. After many years of wonderful sailing aboard S/V Stewardship, I must allow her another skipper. I’ve thought about how I might approach this, and after a time of having her on the market with a few “lookers” I decided to take another tack. Therefore, I’ve decided to hold an auction on this beauty at a very low asking price.

Here’s how it works! The sailboat is a 1983 C&C 29 MK II. In “the” day, this boat was touted as a pocket cruiser where Dad (or Mom) could race it in the Wednesday night series - or the weekend – but, could also sail the vessel on extended cruises. A marine survey was conducted on Stewardship two years ago, and if you are serious about submitting a bid, I’ll gladly send you a copy of that document.

Now, for the auction plan. The auction bidding has a minimum of $6,000. This means the bidder must provide an offer of at least this amount. If you are a serious buyer and wish to bid then you submit the amount you wish to offer via email to Past Commodore Paul Strong – .
Paul will post the highest bid received thus far as they come to him, without the bidder’s name, as often as he can (the goal will be daily, but he can’t guarantee that) on the CCYC’s website for all to see. You may bid as often as you would like as the bids are posted. Your final email with a bid must be sent to Paul no later than 5 pm on February 23, 2018.

The boat is sold as is, and yes, you may visit the boat at the Cape Charles Yacht Center. There is one more thing – and a really important thing! Half of the successful bidder’s dollar amount will go directly to the Cape Charles Yacht Club. That’s right, half the purchase price will benefit the Yacht Club for programs that the board determines are important for the continuance and support of the club. This makes me feel good and it should make you feel good, too!
If you’re in the market for a sailboat I hope you will consider this plan. If you’re not a sailor but might be interested in learning, I can assist with that too.
Fair winds,
Capt. Dave Steward
Past Commodore